Good Evening My Wonderful Students,
Please use the comments section to post your Chapter 10 Journals here. Use a name that will allow me to easily identify you and put your grades into the gradebook. Thanks! Happy Writing!
Ms. Hall-D'Accordo
Chapter 10
ReplyDeleteThe quote that stands out to me is “But why” I asked. “I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get struck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it’s a breakfast sandwich.” Dad answered with his mouth full. “Which you come back, we’ll have breakfast for dinner, “I answered, crossing knife and fork over my mostly full plate. “I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that a scrambled egg-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime” (pg. 137-138). This quote stands out to me because that’s very interesting that eggs are mostly use for breakfast. This quote also stood out to me because when you put bacon on something breakfast isn’t the first thing people think of for example when I think of egg foo youg I think of breakfast ,but if someone was making shrimp wrap in bacon I think of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Another quote that stands out to me is “As we approached the house, I could hear someone crying inside. I didn’t think it was Gus at first, because it didn’t sound anything like the low rumble of his speaking, but then I heard a voice that was definitely a twisted version of his say, “Because IT IS MY LIFE, MOM. IT BELONGS TO ME.” And quickly my mom put her arm around my shoulders and spun me back towards the car, walking quickly, and I was like, “Mom, what’s wrong?” And she said, “We can’t eavesdrop, Hazel” (pg. 139). This quote stands out to me because to hear someone fighting of course you want to hear or watch for example if the president Barrack Obama was fighting George Bush who wouldn’t want to see that. Another reason this quote stands out to me because it’s true once your children get a certain age you can’t control their life and their body some things your child is going to have to experience themselves. Marqese
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ReplyDeleteA quote that stood out to me in Chapter ten of The Fault In Our Stars was,"Because it is my life mom, it belongs to me. I chose this quote, because I understand how Augustus feels. Augustus feels as if his mother is in charge of his life instead of him making his own decisions. I understand how Augustus feels because my mom and family controls my decisions and life. In my opinion I'm not the best at life but I know that disabling a child won't make them independent later on. I don't think I will be able to learn if all my decisions are made for me. I like the fact that Augustus was able to stand up to his mom. Not a lot of people are that bold to tell their parents how they feel. I'm one of those people so I feel like my thoughts and decisions are trapped. I think this deals with the theme of growing up isn't easy. I say this because growing up is easy when you were never experienced to growing up on your own.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter hazel grace and her parents eat breakfast together. Then they goes to agustus house and him and his mother are argueing. I can infer that there argueing because he used his wish to go to amsterdan with hazel grace. He could have used it on something like a scholarship to a school of his choice. I didn't expect him and his mom to be fighting because when hazel met his mother she seemed so perfect and encouraging to any decision Agustus made. Then they go to the airport and get on the air palne. On the plane they talk , kiss nad watch movies. On the plane Agustus tells Hazel Grace that he is in love with her. She does not respond. This is still my favorite quote out of this chapter. It means alot to her probally that he said that. I can redict that she is in love with him too but knowing she can possibly die from cancer is keeping her back from saying the things she feels.
ReplyDeleteNy'Asia Burroughs
My favorite quote from chapter 10 is "Im in love with you, and im not in the business of denying myself the simple please of saying true things and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know he sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you." This is my favorite quote because it is telling how Augustus feels about Hazel, and even though he knows they will eventually die, he still wants to love her. Augustus always tells how he feels about something because he doesn't like holding back his feelings, so he tells Hazel that he is deeply in love with her and Hazel dosent know how to respond. This quote is cute, because it is telling about young love, when Augustus took the first step and decided to finally tell Hazel how he really felt about her.
ReplyDelete“You’ve gotta pick your battles in this world, Hazel,” my mom said. “But if this is the issue you want to champion, we will stand behind you.” This is my favorite quote from chapter 10. I like this qoute because, it reminds me of my family. to me this statement means that no matter what you go through in life you make your own decisions but sometimes you will need your family to be beside you. I really think that this qoute/statement is very important and useful. another qoute that caught my eye was whn hazel says, “But why” I asked. “I mean, seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it’s a breakfast sandwich.” I can connect with her because, i really think that eggs shouldn't just be for breakfast. Eggs can be for lunch when you want a really big BLT with eggs, know that sounds great. This qoute really doesn't inspire me or makes me want to gt up and start wondering why bu it connects to my everday life because sometimes i tend to ask questons like the one Hazel asked. "Because it is my life mom, it belongs to me." This is a qoute Augustus says to his mother. this qoue stood out to me because, it reminds me of a conversation i had with my mother about what school i wanted to go to. I wanted togo to Duke Ellington, but my mother had other plans like Thurgood Marshall. This qoute is saying is that it is his/her life and nobody can run it, not even their parents. Love, Kenisha
ReplyDelete“I’m in love with you”, he said quietly. This is my favorite quote from this chapter because this is the climax. That means that something juicy is about to happen. I can’t believe that he said that he love her that is so freaking sweet. If only Hazel would’ve said it back that would’ve mad that would’ve made the story so much better. I feel as though Hazel is going to make him wait until the time is right. They are going to live happily ever after … I hope. But I can’t help this feeling that something bad is going to happen to Augustus. I wonder if one of them is going to relapse. Do you think that something will happen to him? I hope not. If I were Hazel, I would’ve said it back because I know she really loves her deep down inside. She can’t keep denying it like this. Hazel should talk to her mother about this because Mommy knows best. I wonder what was going through his mind when she didn’t say it back, I can tell that he was really upset because he just looked away without saying anything. Why can’t she just say so that they could spend the last little bit of time that they have happy and in love. I wish I was Hazel’s best friend so I could grab her and shake her and say, “He loves you and you love him so JUST BE TOGETHER.” Since I’m not I can’t say anything.
ReplyDelete“You’ve gotta pick your battles in this world”. I think Augustus tells Hazel’s life is similar to suspense. She will never know what is next in her life. Actually dealing with Augustus also. They don’t know how long they have to live, and they control natural causes. Cancer should not be a battle , cancer should be something you have to live with, it doesn’t matter how the battle ends, but you just weren’t fighting that particular battle in your life. Hazel has to deal with Cancer, surviving, growing up isn’t easy for her. She had to leave school because of her illnesses, which is cancer. Augustus was a huge basketball star that let cancer take all his joy away from him. Now Hazel and Augustus are sitting confused about what they want out of life
ReplyDelete“Because it is my life, mom it belongs to me”. Augustus has cancer; they had to amputate his leg. He still gets around. His mom is over protective. Augustus just wants to do something on his own for a chance. His mom just won’t let him. He is just taking this big risk, his LIFE for Hazel. He loves Hazel and will do a y thing and everything for her, but Hazel is afraid she will be another Caroline Mather’s. If I was Augustus I Probably say the same thing as Augustus and go to Amsterdam live my life, and have some fun. Instead of being in the house all day and just moping around bored all the time. - Chyna Longshore
A quote that stood out for me in chapter 10 of The Fault In Our Stars was "Because it is my life mom it belongs to me". Augustus was talking to his mother when he said that. I cant really tell what they were arguing about but I can infer that they were arguing about cancer. Maybe Gus isn't taking chemo or maybe his parents don't want him to go to Amsterdam because of the risks like Hazel's doctors didn't want her to go. But the difference between Hazel's doctors and Gus' mom is that Gus' mom doesn't understand that it is Gus' life. Yes we are young but parents dont understand that, or perhaps they forgetting that they were young once before too. My mom tries to make me do this and that with my hair but its my hair. MINE that is why I cut a inch or half an inch every 2 weeks. This may be irrelevant but it is a relation that made me feel like this quote was best to write about. The reason why I rebel with my hair is because i feel like that is the only way i can subliminally tell my mom that its my life its my hair and its my body. Augustus is letting his mom know that it is his life and if he wants to risk it she just needs to let him. Yeah he is a minor and yeah there was a part of him that was connected to her (umbilical cord) but that part was cut off at birth for a reason. He didnt need her anymore. Yeah he still needed her to help him with his diapers and stuff but at that moment he became his own person. We are our own person, parents.
ReplyDeleteA qoute i I like is "why are breakfast food breakfast foods? I thsm why dont we have curry for breakfast?". I like this quote because, I think about that sometimes. and I like how hazel used it as a deeper meaning. Another quote I like is " as we approach the house I could someone crying inside. I in awkward situations like that, but I usually walked away or pretended like I did not hear it. I really do not like being in a situation likd that because its weird , and when you see them you wonder what happen, but don't ask, so you try to play it off. Another quote I like is "Do you want shotgun". I like that qoute because I don't ask if you want to get in the front seat, I just get in it.I usually would walk fast so the other person won't see me and eat me to the front seat. It usally turn into a agruement.y last quote is " augustud and I time it so that we started watching at the same time". I like this quote because its fun to do when your bored.
ReplyDelete“It felt like everything was rising up in me, like I was drowning in this weirdly painful joy, but I couldn’t say it back.”
ReplyDeleteIn this quote, Hazel is attempting to avoid all affectionate emotions. She enjoys it, however, she doesn’t want to become vulnerable to him and cause him pain in the end. Simply because she knows she might die soon she doesn’t want to get too attached to reduce the pain he might have to deal with. She doesn’t want to have the same impact on him as Caroline did. She didn’t want to be a “grenade” and allow her death to cause her loved ones grief. When she dies, she only wants to be dead and that’s it, no major transition or effect on her family. She believes that she has already caused enough pain and trouble while living, so she doesn’t want her family to stress anymore once she dies, she wants them to be relieved if anything. So, with all of this in mind, she didn’t want to say “I love you” back because she knew he would become more attached and attracted to her, which makes her death a lot more painful for him to cope with. With his first love’s death, he experienced excruciating agony and she just didn’t want him to feel that way because of her. Hazel refused to become the center of his anguish.
i don't like in the story when Hazel and Augustus is in the airport and the people are staring at them saying "oh, look at the sick kids." i don't like that because i think that the people in the airport is thinking that because they are sick they are different. also i think if the people who have been in their postilion they would feel the same way that Hazel and Augustus feel. That is why i think it is wrong for the people in the airport to talk about Hazel and Augustus because they don"t know how they are feeling with their cancer.
ReplyDeleteChapter 10 journal
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter, Hazel and Gus are going to the airport to go to Amsterdam. During this chapter, Hazel and her mom were going to get Gus from his house, when they get there they hear Gus and his mom fighting but I think that was because he was leaving to go to Amsterdam with Hazel and her mom. Hazel’s dad was sad to see her leave but Hazel thought it was because she was leaving for three days and that thought that he would never see her again. Before they get on the plane someone said to another person “oh look, the sick kids”. I don’t like that someone said that because that makes me think that people are studying and watching Hazel and Augustus like there zoo animals. Later in this chapter, Augustus Waters tells Hazel that he really loves her but Hazel does not say it back. I think she did not tell him she loves him because she doesn’t want to hurt him or even get hurt by him.
--- Amia Gordy
The quote that stood out to me in this chapter was when Hazel mother said " You’ve gotta pick your battles in this world". The quote was outstanding to me because when you think about it it's kind off true. All things that happen in this world is like a huge battle. Some battles you get to choose to take on while other are just brought up to your face without warning. The battle can range from you all of sudden finding out you have cancer towards the end of your life. Battle can be as big as facing death to a argument against you and another person. Picking your battle can be risky because you can't when all your battles. For example in the book obviously Hazel is having the battle against cancer. Hazel didn't choose to fight this battle but she have to deal with it for the rest of the little time she have left. Even though Hazel know she can’t when the battle against cancer but she know that if she don’t she will die right where she currently sands. No one wants to have to pick your battle or even have a battle at all. But unfortunately the world doesn't work like that so we will be picking and fighting our battle we have while on this earth.
ReplyDelete“I’m in love with you, and I know that… we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.” In chose this quote because it shows that Augustus and Hazel are in true love. What Augustus meant when he said “We’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have” he means that tomorrow is not promised to us especially with the illness she has and that someday we will all die because the sun will explode and the earth will sink. This quote really touched me because it’s like a fairytale and Hazel is the princess and Augustus is her knight shining armor coming to sweep her off her feet and show her what true love is. The theme is mortality and it is important because Augustus tells Hazel he loves her because he knows that she doesn’t have a long time to live and he doesn’t want to waste anymore time without saying that. Augustus wants to express his feelings with Hazel and to show her that he really wants to be in a relationship with her.
ReplyDeleteChymia Long
Journal Entry: Questions and Responses
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think it means to have or leave a legacy behind when you die? I think that leaving a legacy means that it can be anything special to you or it can be anything that effect the world in either a good way or a bad way. I personally don't think that you have to be famous or a celebrity to leave a legacy behind when you die. Your grandparents or parents could leave a legacy behind, you and that person could have done ya'll special thing like me and my grandfather. I think that language changes our view of the world in many ways, some positive and some negative. I say that because most people are interested in learning different languages and also people stereo type different people based on their language. I think we should base our individual worth on how we view our selves. I think that some time with someone is way better than no time because that person can die or that person can just go out of your life, for example one day you see your best friend and then right the next day you’re moving to a different state. This relates to my personal experience with my best friend and I thought I was going to see all of my friends and most important my friend and then next thing I know my mother tells me I have to move with my dad in D.C. and after 8th grade I haven't seen her since. I think that differences separate you in many ways from different people; people have different religions and believe different jobs, different back grounds and a whole lot more.
-Hiram Brown
In chapter ten a line I liked was when Augustus said "Im in love with you," to Hazle. This is one of my favorite lines because it was kind of out of no where and it was cute. I remember when a certain somebody told me that. It was shocking to me and I acted like Hazel in a way. I didnt know what to say, I ended up feeling the same way. People tell me or I hear people telling kids, " your to young to be in love or know about love. To me anybody can be in love at any age. I personally think I am.
ReplyDeleteAnother quote that I liked was when Gus said "Because it is my life mom, it belongs to me." This line is something every teenager can relate to. I know that people want to say that to their mom all the time. I would love to tell my mom that but im not. Im not because I think my mom knows whats best for me and shes trying to look out for me. I wonder why he told his mom that.
I can relate to these two lines in so many ways. Everybody including myself has fell in love with someone or is in love. Love takes people a long way. Mothers want to control you and you get rlly upset because of it. Everybody probably wants to tell their mom what Gus told his. Being in love is a big thing and its serious because its a very big step in your feelings. Everything is said or done for a reason.
-Kianna Ross
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