Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter 5 Journals

Good Evening My Wonderful Students,

Please use the comments section to post your Chapter 5 Journals here.  Use a name that will allow me to easily identify you and put your grades into the gradebook.  Thanks!  Happy Writing!

Ms. Hall-D'Accordo


  1. N.Burroughs
    Imn this chapter isaac gets his surgery. He is now blind and cannot see. His girlfriend also dumped him. I feel bad for Isaac that alot for him to handle. I like when Agustus pointed out that only Isaac had to deal with him being blind and no one else had to deal with him being blind. Agustus in really encouraging. What he said was harsh but it also brung Isaac back to reality that his eyes were his burden and no one elses. In this chapter Agustus and Hazel goes on a picnic. They brought all orange food. It was cute. Agustus also met Hazel Graces parents. During the picnic Agustusm announces that he told the wish foundation he would like to use his wish to see the author of AIA. That was nice. It was also my favorite part of this chapter. He is very thoughtfu. I predict Hazel will get sick and won't be able to go to AMSTERDAN to meet the author of the book AIA. I also wonder if her parents will let her go. The may seem over protective of there only daughter. She is sick too thats another possible setback.

  2. A quote I like is" now I am going to give you my wish " I like this quote because Augustus was nice and gave his one and only wish to Hazel. This show that Augustus is a caring person, and want to make everyone happy. I would not have done that. I would have sent an email to Peter Van Houten and ask tell him Hazel problem , and ask can he came to her. Another quote I like is "Do you have a wish, referring to this organization The Genie Foundation, which is the business of granting a sick kid an wish. I like this quote, because it is like Make a Wish foundation. The foundation also give socks kids their wish.

  3. Differences separate us from other people so we just can not be the same people in the world because if everybody would act the same way and dress the same and all that the world would just be a big boring place to live. That is why I think differences separate us form other people.

    Also I think your differences can be a good thing because your differences make you be popular in your own way and if people start to follow your differences they can follow them and that can be a good thing for the world and you and them.

    But some your differences can be bad because you may be doing the wrong thing and those differences can be bad. Also some more ways your differences can be bad is when you be different attitude wise because if you have a bad attitude and other people have good attitude your bad attitude can be a bad difference.

    To close that is why I think differences separate us from other people because with differences can be real good but some differences can be bad but I think it is better to have or be different from other people because most differences can be a good thing.
    Markell J

  4. Chapter 5 Journal Entry
    “I fear that your faith has been misplaced- but then, faith usually is.” This is my favorite line because it is so true. A lot of people get so blindsided by their problems they lose sight of faith. Faith, to me believes in something no matter what happens. You are never supposed to lose faith no matter what God puts in your way. A lot of people say, “God only gives you what you can handle.” I believe that is all the way true. Why would someone you believe in so much give you something you can’t handle?
    I know Hazel is probably scared of dying and all but she has to continue to stay strong. If she wasn’t strong then she probably would’ve been died but she didn’t because God saw her pushing to stay alive and he gave her more life. I can really relate to this quote because when my grandmother got sick it was really hard on my whole family. Through all of the ups and downs I never lost faith in things being okay, I stayed strong. Some of my family members lost faith but I didn’t.
    If I were Hazel I would probably be as out of it as she is but I would still be strong because I know that God wouldn’t put me through something like that just to it. He would do it to test my faith and him. But if it would’ve been time for me to go home then I just would’ve had to deal with it. I hope that Hazel stays strong and keeps her faith because miracles can happen.

  5. Tamia Jackson
    "I fear that your faith has been misplaced but then, faith usually is." To be honest this is my favorite quote throughout the story so far. A lot of individuals let their hardships and life issues tell them that faith can't help them over come something. In my opinion faith is, knowing that no matter how hard it may be you can always overcome a challenge. An individual should never loose sight of faith because it may be the only the motivater they have in their lives. I've been told that everything in live happens for a reason, because God works in mysterious ways. I believe this is true because your Lord and savior would neccesarilly hurt you on purpose. I know that everyone is afraid of death even Hazel. I am afraid of dying myself, but I know that I got to live for today and hope for tommorow. Life isn't promised to anyone, so why spend it thinking about ending it. I know Hazel is afraid of dying, but she has to stay strong and continue the fight for survival. She has been working so hard she shouldn't let that hard work go to waste. I can really relate to this quote,because when my mom got sick I thought she was going to give up, but she didn't she made sure she lived for mean. I hoped and wished everyday that she would get better and come home. Through out the hard and difficult transitions in life I keep faith, because I now know that God isn't punishing me, but rather giving me a test. If I were in Hazel's position I would also be panicking and concerned. I would also try my best to continue the fight because I have supporters. When it's my time to go I know that I have past all my challenges and test and it's time for God to grade me on life. I wish and pray that through tout the story Hazel won't ever doubt herself and that she stays strong.

  6. "We're all just side effects right? " was one live I liked in chapter five. This quote talks about Hazel and Gus. Their side effects to cancer. There's not a lot that they can do about it,so they have to deal with themselves and try to get better. I can't rlly relate to this quote but my mom can. She had cancer and she felt like she was a side effect in a way. She only felt like this when she was first diagnosed.
    The next line that I liked was "It occurred to me that the reason my parents had no money was me." This quote was sad to me. She was blaming herself an she shouldn't. Its not her fault she has cancer and get parents are using their money to try and better her. Why does she blame her self for things she can't control. I remembered when I thought I was the reason why my mother and father broke up. I learned it wasn't my fault, it's life, an things happen, we can't control everything.
    When I saw this line I noticed a jump or push in Hazel and Gus's relationship. He said "maybe okay will be our always." I think Gus told Hazel he loved her in a way that wasn't obvious. "Always" meant that you would always love each other. If "okay" is suppose to be their "always" Gus told Hazel he would always love her. That was very cute to me. I wonder if he would actually say "I love you" to her.

    -Kianna R
