Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter 12 Journals

Good Evening My Wonderful Students,

Please use the comments section to post your Chapter 12 Journals here.  Use a name that will allow me to easily identify you and put your grades into the gradebook.  Thanks!  Happy Writing!

Ms. Hall-D'Accordo


  1. In chapter 12 the quote that stands out to me is “The shirt was a screen print of a famous Surrealist artwork by Rene Magritte in which he drew a pipe and then beneath it wrote in cursive Ceci n’est pas une pipe. (This is not a pipe)” (pg.178). This quote stood out to me because that is kind of true all artist has some type of theme to their painting. Some painters such as myself draw and mean exactly what it looks like. This quote made me think of magicians and a show called “Brain Game” because it’s not always what the I can see, they all say you must see pass the eye and really focus and use your brain. This quote could also be based on metaphors which means “a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally” based on Another quote that stood out to me “How did you get so grown up that you understand things that confuse your ancient mother?” Mom asked. “It seems like just yesterday that I telling seven-year-old Hazel why the sky was blue. You thought I was a genius back then.” “Why is the sky blue?” I asked. “Cuz,” she answered. I laughed” (pg.178). This quote stood out to me because honestly that’s how all little kids are they start out going your way and thinking tour the king then they get older and go there way and think there the king and treats you with love as well.

  2. In chapter 12 there was only three qoutes that stood out to me the most. The first qoute that stood out to me was “Why is the sky blue?” I asked. "Cuz," she answered. "I laughed". This qoute stood out to me because, my mom used to do the same thing to me. She would be like "Kenisha dont say cuz because that is not a full sentence." Another thing i think stood out to me was a statement. This is when Augustus and Peter Van Houten has a short conversation. After a minute, Augustus said, “Your book is sort of the thing that brought us together.” “But you aren’t together,” he observed without looking at me.“The thing that brought us nearly together,” I said. I like this conversation because, he was telling him that they were a couple even though they aren't. When he says that he was trying to D.T.R( Determine The Realationship). So by saying that means he really does like her, mabye even love her. But what i think messed it all up was when Peter Van Houten said “But you aren’t together,”. Then Augustus started to realize that they were not together.

    Love, Kenisha

  3. “Like all sick children,” he answered dispassionately, “you said you don’t want pity, but your very existence depends on it.” This is when we finally meet the notorious Peter Van Houten. This specific scene was ironic because Peter Van Houten turns out to be very rude and disrespectful. First of all he is chubby. Then on top if that he’s a drunk. I understand that he is sick or whatever but that’s not an excuse to be means to someone you doesn’t know. On top of that these are CANCER SURVIVORS! Why would you ever say that to them when you don’t know what they’ve been through. I think that he should’ve told her what happens because if it meant that much to her and she was such a big fan AND she came all that way, HE SHOULD’VE TOLD HER. If I were Hazel I would’ve been the maddest. I used up somebody else’s wish and you still didn’t tell me, I’m glad she made him spill his drink. I thought he was a genius and that he was nice and that he was going to tell her what happened to Anna. She needs to know because the same thing might happen to her and she wants to know what happens to her family after she dies, SO IT’S SERIOUS! Well I hope that Peter gets help because his ill manor caused him a very loyal assistant. I hope he doesn’t push away anyone else in his life because that’ll be tragic.

  4. A quote I like is "as it closer to ten I grew more and more nervous". I like this quote because that's how I be when I can not wait for something. I just watch the time, but I just get me nervous. Another quote I like is " BULLSHIT! THATS BULLSHIT. JUST TELL ME!MAJE SOMETHING UP
    no and it thank you not ti curse in my house". I like this quote because I noticed what haxel do when she reach her breaking point. Also I like this quote , because I realize how mean and confuse van houten is, and he is differwnt than expected.Another quote I like is " I'll write you an epilogue gus said. That just made me cry harder. I wll he said I will. Better than any shit that drunk cold write". I like that quote because gus is sweet and is ttrying to cheer her up. And I like how gus is caring enough yo be ny hazel side knowing that she upset, is just there for her.

  5. The quote that stands out to me is stated “No that is not acceptable. I said. I understand that the story ends midnarrative because Anna dies or becomes too sick to continue but you said you would tell us what happens to everybody and that’s why we’re here and we, I need you to tell me.” This quote stands out to me because I feel her frustration. Van Houten promised Hazel that he would tell her what happens at the end of the story. Augustus used his dream wish for him and her to go to Amsterdam to meet Mr. Van Houten to get the answer. Me Hazel and Augustus thought that Mr. Van Houten was a genius but it turned out to be the opposite. He was a nasty slob that all he did was drink. He was also mean especially to Hazel. He tried to find ways to hurt her feelings about her being sick and that was so mean. For a grown man to do that I think he should never been an inspiration to anybody. But all the mean stuff he was saying to her wasn’t hurting her though. To me I think Hazel was a strong person for not letting Mr. Van Houten bring her down about her illness. If I was in hazel shoes and Mr. Van Houten said anything like that to me I would’ve cried right there because I am a very sensitive person. So Hazel is a strong person for not letting anyone get her down.

  6. My favorite quote from chapter 12 is "And then were kissing... I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my toes." This is my favorite quote because it tells how Hazel got her first kiss.This is the cutest quote from chapter 12 because after they finished kissing, the audience begin to applause and were happy to see Hazel and Augustus kissing. Hazel never felt like this to anybody else so since this is her first time loving someone and kissing someone, this is very cute. Even though, Hazel knows that she will eventually die and she doesn't want to hurt Augustus she cannot stop her love for him, and he definitely cannot hold back how he feels about her. They both decide to stay with each other, not only because they love each other but also because their life is slowly coming to an end. When Hazel finds out that Augustus has cancer and will soon be dying she tells him that she loves him. This is cute because Hazel has been trying to hold back her feelings for Augustus for too long and they finally came out.

  7. My favorite quote from chapter 12 is when Hazel and Augustus are at Mr. Peter Van Houghton’s house and Hazel says "BULLSHIT! That's bullshit. Just tell me! Make something up!" This is my favorite quote because it really caught me off guard when she goes off on Peter because usually she's just quiet and shy. When Hazel went off I kind of felt bad for Peter because he is an old man who is just grumpy, and on the other hand I didn't feel bad because he deserved it for being a jerk. I can personally relate to this quote in a way because my brother said he was going to take me to the mall and when he had gotten home he said no because he said he was going out and so like how Hazel cursed at peter I did the same toward my brother. I also like this quote because this shows how unpredictable hazel can be just like her cancer when it can just attack her at anytime it wants.

  8. The quote that stood out to me in Chapter 12 was , “you said you don’t want pity, but your very existence depends on it". I liked this quote because I would say something like that. I understand what Augustus means when he says this. People always say that they don't want something that is needed for them. I don't want anyone's pity or to feel like burden to anyway, but sometimes its for the best. I understand that Hazel doesn't what anyone feeling sorry for her, but it comes with having cancer. When my brothers died I didn't want the sympathy of others but it comes with death and grieving. It might be best for me but not everything that's good is beneficial. It can actually get annoying at times. For instance how Augustus gets pissed off when people stare at him and Hazel with pity. That annoys him but it let's him know that people care and have sympathy for him. I learned a lot from majority of the things Augustus says. The quote that I picked taught me that not everything in life will be what you want, but in the end you'll be glad you had it.
    Tamia Jackson

  9. One quote that stood out to me was "some infinities are bigger than other infinities". This quote stood out to me because it made me think. A lot of things that the characters say through out this book make me think because they really say things to confuse you and you have to wrap your mind around it to understand it. What this quote is saying to me is that some things last longer than others, some things are more important to one person than it might be to another. This stood out because its amazing to me the way Augustus and Hazel think. They think more long term, outside of the box, all the time. Its always smart or makes sense in the end. Another quote that I liked from chapter 12 is "And then were kissing... I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my toes." I like this quote because its very romantic and its at a point were you can really see Augustus' and Hazel's relationship really blooming and it surprises you. I also really like the entire part where everyone was clapping for them because its very sweet and you can see Hazels love for Augustus by how she describes the kiss and everything around her, how she is just so sensitive to his touch. I think they should be together from now and let their relationship bloom more, from here.

  10. I picked the quote when Van Houten tells Hazel that the "characters inhabiting it have no life outside of those scratches. They all ceased to exist the moment the novel ended." I think van houten tells hazel and gus that because he may be getting irritated by all the questions they are asking and I think he may was mad that hazel and gus were still in his house after he did not want them there. I think hazel is feeling like she just wasted gus wish. if I was in hazel place I would be mad that I wasted my time going to Amsterdam.

  11. "The World is not a wish granting factory" This quote stood out to me. The world is not promised. You cannot rely on the world to be a good place because it is not.I think people depend on the world to control their lives . For me i control my life. to may people rely on the world. I think Augustus and Hazel are an example of this because Hazel thinks she needs someone to love her, even though her parents do.Augustus is just like i fear oblivion, so he scared of going down in this dark hole and never coming out... If more people believe in themselves instead of putting other people down and themselves we can have a better living environment. Another quote that stood out to me was "you are a side effect". Peter Van Houten told Augustus and Hazel that they are side effects. I think Lidewij told Peter that they were in Amsterdam on their cancer perks wish thing and Peter probably thinks that they are disabled and handicapped. Also they cant do anything for themselves which is not true. If i was Hazel and Augustus i would feel some type of way because i would not want to get judged over something i have no control over in life.The Last quote that stood out to me was "Some Infinities are larger than other Infinities". This quote means the sky is the limit. Whatever you want to achieve in life is up to you. Nobody can stop you from doing what you are destined to do.

    -Chyna Longshore

  12. "You are a side effect, Van Houten contined, of an evolutionary process that cares little for individual lives. You are a failed experiment in mutation". This quote means that people that are sick are only getting weaker and not getting better. You are a non-factor and not important to th people that try to help to help you get better. He basically said you didn't develop properly ans people barely care about them. This quote is very disrespectful to all no matter if you are sick or not. Personally I have asthma and that applies to me. A lot of people in my family have a line of cancer so I actually took this quote t the heart. Van houten is very direspectful. Hazel and Augustus both have cancer and they both have been through all treatmeants and all have failed so far. Hazel can barely take all the pressure because of her lungs . The cancer has nothing to do with the book she just wanted answers like she was promised. This quote really stood out to me because he was so vulgare and serious about it.

  13. Chapter 12
    In this chapter hazel gets ready to meet Peter Van Houten, so she decides to dress like Anna (a character in AIA). They get to Van Houten's house and they are crazy excited. They knock on the door, and an old rude man opens it and slammed it in their faces. They can hear him talking to his assistant Lidewij from outside the door; he tells her that she must tell them to leave at once because he doesn't want to meet them. The door opens again, and they enter his house, where he proceeds to be a huge drunken jerk to them, only answering Hazel's question about what happens to the hamster. Van Houten would not answer any of Hazel questions so she got upset and slap the cup out of Van Houten hands. Seen that did not get her the answer she wanted, her and Augustus decided to leave. Later after some tears, Lidewij came to say sorry and takes them to Anne Frank’s house. Hazel and Augustus kissed at the same spot as Anne Frank and her boyfriend. Augustus and Hazel go back to the hotel and to his room, where they do some sexy things. Afterward, Hazel writes him a love letter in which she draws him a Venn Diagram signifying his loss of virginity. But Gus was still out of the circle so they did not go all the way? My favorite part of this chapter is when they met Van Houten because that was really funny to see the opposite of what she wanted to happen and her reaction.

    -- Amia Gordy

  14. The quote that stood out to me is "Characters inhabiting it have no life outside of those scratches. They all ceased to exist the moment the novel ended." I disagree with this quote because not all characters only exist in a book. There are are some characters that can exist outside the book but mentally not physically. Hazel would be a prime example for cancer patients. Hazel would be a prime example because yes she is just an ordinary character in a book falls in love knowing that she may die soon because of her cancer. But you would have to realize that to others who may have cancer themselves. She can be inspirational towards them because even though she is a fictional character the traits she carry like intellect, strength, and a huge heart that separate herself from different cancer patients. She could be the confidence some patience need to get up and fight another day against the war of cancer even though them knowing that they will never when the fight against it. But people will know that they died not out of weakness but out of strength. That's how I see that quote and why I disagree with Peter Van Houten (Mr. Potbelly Douche). Honestly I wouldn't see her as that much of a inspiration but I also know that she is support towards a greater cause even though she is a fictional person.

  15. I didn’t exactly pick a quote but I picked (Thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and the thinking that Anne Frank, after all kissed someone in the Anne Frank House.) Hazel meant that her and Augustus would kiss in a historical place and that would be so romantic. It would be romantic because Anne Frank and her boyfriend had their first kiss in that house and so will Hazel and Augustus. Another quote I chose was “You are a side effect”. I chose this quote because it symbolizes death. Hazel is nothing but a side effect to cancer she is not the whole cancer because there are other people with cancer. Peter Van Houten was very rude when he said that to Hazel but it was very true. To reflect I think Peter Van Houten was very mean to Hazel and shouldn’t have told him that even though it was true Hazel already knows what her illness is and what it’s going to do to her.

  16. My favorite quote in chapter 12 is "... and then we were kissing ..... I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my toe." This is my favorite quote because hazel and Gus finally kissed. This is Hazel's first kiss. The way it happend was so cute. I never expected it to happen so late in the book. It makes me happy to read this chapter because a lot is happening. This is a new feeling for Hazel. Whilr the kiss is happening people start to clap. That makes her want to be with him even more. In this chapter Hazel tells Gus that she loves him. Her feelings are now coming out, this makes me excited to read on.
    Another I like is "some infinties are bigger than other infinties." This quote makes You think and wonder, thats why I like it. I dont exactly know the meaning of it hut I think it means one or many things can be bigger than other things. This is a kind of line that would have you looking and thinking. It would take sometime to really understand it after you really think about it.
    Both of these lines mean a lot. I say that because you see people becoming in live. Then realizing that somethings are bigger than the next. It shows you that you have to open your eyes to realize certain things. I also noticed that love can come at anytime in life. It doesnt matter where you are it would come in any shape or form.

    -Kianna Ross
