Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter 14 Journals

Good Evening My Wonderful Students,

Please use the comments section to post your Chapter 14 Journals here.  Use a name that will allow me to easily identify you and put your grades into the gradebook.  Thanks!  Happy Writing!

Ms. Hall-D'Accordo


  1. The quote that stands out to me the most is” Augustus shrugged. He seemed to zone out all of a sudden. “Okay?” I asked. He shook his head microscopically. “Hurts,” he said. “Chest?” He nodded. Fist clenched. Later, he would describe it as a one-legged fat man wearing a stiletto heel standing on the middle of his chest. I returned my seat-back tray to its upright and locked position and bent forward to dig pills out of his backpack. He swallowed one with champagne. “Okay?” I asked again. Gus sat there, pumping his fist, waiting for the medicine to work, the medicine that did not kill the pain so much as distance him from it (and from me)” (pg.221). This quote stood out to me the most because I wasn’t quite sure about why his chest was hurting is it because of his cancer? Or is it the champagne that is causing his chest to hurt like that? I’m not sure. Another reason why this quote stood out to me is because of, I wasn’t still quite sure on why didn’t the medicine Augustus took, take away the pain for good/completely. Why doesn’t Augustus want to treat it as a serious matter? To me it seems like he just said give me a pill and the pain should go away for a little bit. To me this quote is telling me that this is like the symptoms of the particular cancer that Augustus holds inside himself. I predict that Augustus will not be able to with- sane the pain and suffering for long.

  2. A quote I like is "sometimes. it seems universe want to be noticed ". I like this quote because I like how it is compared to cancer. I also agree with this quote "your. daughters car has been federal egged by a blind man". I like this quote because I like how Gus make the best out of every situation.

  3. My favorite quote from chapter 14 is “You can’t just not contact your former boyfriend after his eyes get cut out of his freaking head.” “Just one of—” Isaac started. “Hazel Grace, do you have four dollars?” asked Gus. “Um,” I said. “Yes?” This is my favorite quote because this is when Augustus decides to go and throw eggs at Monica's car. This part in the book was funny because Isaac released his stress and anger against Monica out. Augustus always makes things fun and when he decides to throw eggs at Monica's car because of what she did to Isaac, this brought the best out in this book because it showed how they all had fun together. This is also my favorite part because they are getting back at Monica for dumping Isaac just because he went blind, as they should've because what she did to him was mean, and they should've thrown eggs at her car.

  4. “Ma’am Augustus said” nodding toward her, your daughter car has just been deservedly egged by a blind man. Please close the door and go back inside or we’ll be forced to call the police. After wavering for a moment, Monica’s mom closed the door and disappeared.” This quote stands out to me best because first it’s funny. Knowing Isaac is blind he had the courage to throw eggs at his ex-girlfriend car and not being able to see where he’s throwing them at. He have Augustus to help him but that didn’t seem to work out well either. Like they seriously egged her car? And then what made this quote funnier is what Augustus told Monica’s mom. How can he call the police because her daughter’s car is being egged? Like shouldn’t she be calling the police because they are on her property? Anyway I think they should’ve come up with a better plan to get back at Monica. Like egging her car is not really getting her back. Well that’s what I think. I wonder did she found out about it and did she know it was them. Is Monica going to get the, back or leave it alone? There’s so much I have to know.

  5. A quote that I liked in chapter 14 says " sometimes it seem the universe wants to be noticed" I like this quote because it stood out to me. I never really thought of anything like it. As I said about chapter 12, all the characters in this book stands for something and so do the words they say. They always speak metaphors and everything they say you have to really think about to understand because sometimes it can be very confusing. It really gets you thinking, they always think or make something out of things you thought didn't matter until they say something and it makes you look at it a totally different way. This quote also relates to the quote "Pain demands to be felt", another quote I like, in a way. They are both trying to get the same theme out. Another quote in chapter 14 I like says "..realizing that for the first time in years, I was the healthiest person in the room". I love this quote, because Hazel is really beginning to see how her cancer is NOT the end of the world. She looked on the "bright" side for once. She has a blind friend and her boyfriend has cancer everywhere in his body. This quote was also sad because when she said it, I imagined everything going on in the room. I could see Hazel, Augustus struggling to get up, and Issac with glass eyes, staring into space. Hazel always puts me in the book with her, everything she says, she goes into depth.

  6. “Oh it’s there,” Augustus said. “You know what it looks like, Isaac? It looks all the hopes we were foolish to hope.” Monica’s car symbolizes hope witch is serious in their case. Their whole lives depend on hope. Hope on getting better, hope on the treatment working and hope on staying alive. Their whole life depends on HOPE. But basically what Gus is saying is that hope is foolish. I guess he was saying that because he probably hoped he’ll stay NEC but that didn’t happen, he got cancer again. I hope that the hospital does all they can to keep him alive. I know Gus is going through a lot right now but I really feel sorry for Haze because that first heartbreak is going to hurt, for a long time. I do know she’s preparing for it and is spending as much time with Gus as she possibly can. I also noticed that she is saying I love you more to him so that when he dies he will know how she feels. I like the way that he is still the same Gus and is still helping Isaac through this rough times with Monica. I never understood why Monica never talked to Isaac again like it was his fault that he got cancer and had to get his two eyes removed. I guess people are just selfish and inconsiderate of other people’s feelings. Anyway if I were Isaac I’ll still be upset too. After all they did say always didn’t they?

  7. I picked the quote when hazel says " I never took a picture of him again." I think what hazel means by this quote is that she never took a picture of gus again because he was to sick and she did not want to see him why he look so bad. or another prediction I had was maybe gus died and she was not able to get another picture of him because he past away.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Chapter fourteen wasn't very lengthy chapter with a lot of quotes, but there was one quote that I did like that we discussed in class. The quote was "I think the universe is improbably biased toward consciousness." I picked this quote because I was able to define three words and rephrase the quote so that I can comprehend it. The first word was biased, biased means to give a settled and often prejudiced outlook on the personalities or characteristics of people, places or things. The second word was improbably, improbably means that something is difficult to believe. The last and final word was consciousness, consciousness means to be aware of surroundings or the things that are happening around ones self. I was able to rephrase this sentence ans say I believe the universe is unbelievably prejudice towards the things within or surrounding it. This means that we as the people don't necessarily care or are concerned about the things surrounding us. I think that since we are so used to the crime and bias of people that it doesn't bother us anymore. It didn't actually hit me until I rephrased the quote. I believe that this needs to change.

  10. Chapter 14
    In this chapter, they get on the flight home. Augustus chest starts hurting, so he takes pain pills and goes to sleep. When Hazel gets home she talks to her dad, who says he read AIA when she was gone. They also talk about the universe and how it wants to be noticed. The next day, Hazel goes over to Augustus's house and hangs out with him while he's going through all the cancer treatment stuff. Isaac comes over and they all hang out together and talk about how messed up it was for Monica to just dump him because he was blind. So they go to the store and buy some eggs to throw at Monica’s car. I like that they get Isaac throw eggs Monica’s car.
    Amia Gordy

  11. The quote that stood out to me was " sometimes it seems the universe wants to be noticed." I can agree with this quote but I think it's true. The universe do want to known nut it has to realize that it's already known. WIthout every single aspect of this universe their wouldn't be nothing unique or interesting about it. Earth for example is a example of the universe already being known. Its funny because you don't think about this often but we are part of the existence of this universe. The universe is just some stingy thing that wants everyone to notice it even when we realize the importance of it. There is not much to be said about this chapter accept this outstanding quote.

  12. The quote I chose was “Sometimes it seems the universe wants to be noticed.” I chose this because it sounded very intelligent and true to me. Everything happens for a reason because of the universe. Everyone wants attention and things too! Chapter 14 was very interesting because When Hazel gets home she talks to her dad, who says he read AIA when she was gone. They also talk about the universe and how it wants to be noticed. Then Augustus, Isaac and Hazel hangs out together. Then Augustus and Isaac decides to go egg Monica"s car and house because of her causing Issac a heartbreak and lying to him.

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